Medical Emergency Response System And Logistic
Web based application used in gathering information related to medical emergencies.
On a mission to empower emergency teams
Mersal Corporation is concerned with the technology of emergency medical information by setting up an electronic medical network that links between the hospital and the emergency cases that the hospital deals with, from transferring to and from the health institution for cases and registering them electronically and working to document the work of emergency medical services for any health institution through several strategic stages. Work on it through an integrated medical emergency management system.
Respond faster
Everything you need to deploy your EMS teams
MERSAL provide the latest application and solutions to operate any emergency medical service station and utilise your deployed teams for responding to any call.
At the beginning of the shift the EMS dispatcher will deploy all teams in there specific location and make sure they are ready for any call.
When the dispatcher receive call he will start new case in the system then dispatch the appropriate team based on the call nature and chief complain.
Finally the dispatcher will follow up with the patient until the team arrive and provide the necessary care and finalize the case documentations.
Do you want us to call you ?
All you need is insert your email and our team will contact you to present our full collection of service and solution to run any Emergency Medical Service Station or department.